Monday Update 8-25-14

Ok, here we go with the Monday update.


On Monday I lost an Atron and a Tormentor to the same Breacher inside of a plex. This encounter taught me the importance of having a scram and a web fit if you are going to use a brawling setup.  I know that should be obvious but at least I learned something.  I went out with a fleet later on in my Coercer and we had to bail while on a gate and I did something stupid and went to a faction plex gate where one of the enemy followed me and got me pointed before I could activate the gate.

On Wednesday I went out with a roaming/plexing fleet and all we managed to kill was one poor lone sucker in a Dragoon inside a small plex.  He probably felt a little hard done by since we all dog piled on him but the warzone was dead that night and we were ready for a kill.

On Sunday I got a solo kill with my Enyo.  I jumped into a plex that had a lone Coercer in it and had to rush about 20 kilometers to get my blasters in range.  It was a white knuckle fight, he popped when I had only 12% structure left.  Kirith ran a huge corp fleet later that evening and I took out an Algos which I lost to a big fleet of assault frigates in a large plex.  I came back in an Enyo to help loot the field and landed in the middle of an Eve Uni blob that had just warped in. We ended up shipping up into Vexors to take on some other cruiser fleets that were hanging around the area. We engaged some elements of the Eve Uni fleet and drove them off.  We had a nice big fight with a cruiser fleet from Templis CALSF which we won, and we tried to get a Black Legion fleet to engage us but we had more logi and more cruisers than they did and they wouldn’t fight.

I’ve gone into business with a RL friend I introduced to the game and the corp.  He runs exploration sites also and he’s giving me the blueprints he finds since I have an alt that can build them and once I sell the merchandise we are splitting the profit.  I have plugged the numbers into my spreadsheet and got the first round of raw material purchase orders set up.  I should be able to start building the first set of items soon.

I’m also planning on playing my miner alt a bit more.  I think I’ve proven that the average CODE. agent can be fooled by a clever forgery and at least moderate adherence to their code, you just need to check local and find out if they are in system.  Now I’m ready to move on to stage two of my plan for this alt by joining a noob friendly industry corp and trying my hand at corp theft.

Fly devious.

Battleclinic rank: 134,140 down 6776


Tonight I Promise

Still didn’t get my update out. We had a power outage at work which is a major headache and I forgot to bring my notes with me anyway but tonight I hope work will go smooth and I will bring my notes with me. I have to take notes during the week or I get the details wrong.

Fly Memorably.

Late Monday

I’ll be giving out my Monday update later tonight, I’m working night shift so I should have time to put it together there.  Until then I’d just like to play the game.  Check back later for my weekly update of my combat and other activities.  Thanks for reading P3!

Role Call of the Dead

Is anyone else tired of seeing alliance and corp names with a period after them just so that they can use the name that some, probably long inactive, other group took possession of first?  CCP would be well within its rights to send out a notice, both in-game and out, to any corp or alliance heads that it will be resetting corp and alliance names on accounts that have been inactive for longer than say, 4 years, and if the person registered to the account wishes to retain possession of the corp name they need to log the account in and respond to the message.  I’m sure this would cause some drama but then again is there anything that CCP could do to their game that wouldn’t cause more drama?

Now I agree that there are some names out there with pretty heavy historical significance attached to them, Band of Brothers springs to mind, that are probably in a holding pattern and may never return to the game but then if the holder care enough they would make an effort to keep possession of the name.  Also I understand that some (dot) alliance and corp names were created to differentiate a break away faction from the original group.

I’m not calling for individual character names to be freed but corps or alliances that have been unsubbed for years should be fair game.  Requiring a name holding account to log back in to keep a hold of their corp name would strike some as shameless grab for cash and it probably would be but if Eve teaches anything it’s that greed, even for virtual items and money, is universal.


Loot first, loot often.

Master of None

I’m looking at my hanger wondering what I want to fly and I realize that I have way too many options.

I’ve decided that if I want to get better at solo PvP I need to narrow down my ship choices first and my fitting choices second.

I think I’m going to drop the Incursus, I never fly the ones I’ve got and there are other tech 1 frigates I’d rather take out.  I’m also going to narrow down my Tristan fit to our doctrine fit and the neutralizer fit I have.  On the fairly rare occasion that I fly an Atron I will be Flying our “Rinzler” fit.

For combat ships I will keep flying the doctrine fits for our formal corp fleets which includes the Atron, Tristan, Algos, and Vexor.  As far as non-doctrine ships go I think I am going to limit myselft to the Enyo, Condor, Dragoon, Navy Slicer, and maybe Coercer (I haven’t decided about the Coercer yet).  I like the Navy Comet but it seems to me that they are tough to use right in the current kiting meta.

Some of the ships I won’t be flying anymore I will be taking the hulls and donating them to the unrestricted corp hanger.  That way my corpmates will be able to try out different hulls, I’ll be keeping the modules because they can be used on my own replacements.  I only have 2 Navy Comets left so I’ll go ahead and fly them until they get blown up I just won’t be replacing them.

Monday Update 8-18-14

There is nothing to update this week either my medicine is still messing me up a bit and I was working nights this week so I didn’t log on hardly at all.

I did log on this morning and lost two ships but I’ll save them for next Monday.

Battleclinic rank: 127,364 down 187

Fleet Command

To the tune of “Piano Man” by Billy Joel

It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd logs in
There’s a bittervet docked next to me
Making love to his tonic and gin

He says, “Son can you find me a gudfite
I don’t really care how many kills
But they’re fun and sweet
And I pwned them complete
When I had a younger toons skills”

La la la de de da
La la lade da da dum

Find us a fight, you’re the fleet command
Find us a fight tonight
Well we’re all in the mood for a killmail
And you’ve got us forming up right

Now John at the POS is a friend of mine
He gets me my ships for free
And he’s quick with a joke or to light your cyno
But there’s someone that he’d rather be

He says, “Bill, I believe this is killing me”
As a joy ran away from his voice
“Well, I’m sure that I could be a fleet commander
If I could quit being a carebear”

Oh, la la la de de da
La la de de da da dum

Now Paul is a high sec ganker
Who never had time for real life
And he’s talking with Mork, who’s still in the noob corp
And probably will be for life

And the tacklers are practicing awoxing
As the logis slowly get stoned
Yes they’re sharing a game they call Eve online
But it’s better than gaming alone

Find us a fight, you’re the fleet command
Find us a fight tonight
Well we’re all in the mood for a killmail
And you’ve got us forming up right

It’s a pretty good fleet for a Saturday
And the CEO gives me a smile
‘Cause he knows that it’s me they’ve been coming to see
To forget about RL for a while

And the coms sound like a carnival
And the corp is ready to fight
And they sit in their pods and wait for my nod
And say “Man are we roaming tonight?”

Find us a fight, you’re the fleet command
Find us a fight tonight
Well we’re all in the mood for a killmail
And you’ve got us forming up right

Creative Experiment

I’ve had a song rattling around in my head for a week now and I think I’m going to try my hand at writing a parody song. I don’t have any illusions of being a great writer but I just can’t get the few verses I’ve converted to apply to Eve out of my head and if I don’t finish it they’ll never go away. I should have the lyrics in a publishable form soon so keep checking back.

Fly funny.

Stuck in the Doldrums

The summer malaise is here at P3 with a vengeance. You know how it is, right? You roll through 4 systems and a connecting wormhole without finding a single site worth scanning down and running. Then you switch to a ship with some teeth but all you find are cowards or 10 man gangs so you dock up and just call it a loss.

That’s kinda where I am right now. CCP made exploration worth doing so most of the space I scan in looks like a plague of locusts just threw a party and I haven’t had the energy to make 30 jumps just to find more than two relic sites. The pickings have been so slim lately that my hauler/industrialist has run out of good blueprints to build. I’m hoping something changes soon, I’ve been on my new medicine for a week or so now and I’m starting to feel a lot better so I should be approaching my play time with a more positive attitude than I’ve been able to muster lately.


Monday Update 8-11-14

I don’t have anything to talk about for this update because I didn’t get much play time at all.  RL obligations limited my time and my doctor changed one of my medications so when I did get time to play I didn’t feel like doing anything.

I only had one combat encounter and it wasn’t even a challenge, I blew up some poor noob in a Sarum Magnate that was running a relic site I had scanned down.  As soon as I de-cloaked and attacked I smelled noob and after checking his history I saw I was right.  I sent him some ISK to cover his loss along with a warning to be more careful in low sec from now on.

The only high note of the entire week is my hauler/industrialist has almost worked his way through my backlog of data interface blueprints.  He’s almost trained all the skills to build the tech 2 rig blueprints I’ve found so that will be his next task.  I’m going to be calculating all of the costs for the module BPs I’ve got also since Crius may have changed the mineral prices.

I’m hoping this week will allow more time and energy to log in and play.

Fly Paranoid.

Edit: Forgot to put my Battleclinic rank on here.

Battleclinic Rank: 127,187 increase of 8,519